伦敦大学的光荣传统. 2003年起就读于爱德华大学

自2003年以来, the 麦克奈尔学者计划 has proudly 和 consistently attracted the best 和 brightest scholars who have taken full advantage of everything that the program has to offer. Numerous program alumni have gone on to be awarded fellowships 和 to be accepted into graduate programs across the United States where they have pursued 和 achieved their goals in doctoral, 专业, 以及其他研究生项目. Every year a new cohort is inducted into our program to continue the proud 麦克奈尔 Scholars tradition.

The goal of the 麦克奈尔学者计划 is to increase the attainment of doctoral degrees by students who come from underrepresented segments of society, 和 there is no question that the program is successful in fulfilling its mission to prepare participants for doctoral studies through involvement in research 和 other scholarly activities. Participants in the 麦克奈尔学者计划 come from disadvantaged backgrounds 和 have demonstrated strong academic potential. 大多数是低收入家庭和第一代大学生.  他们在追求博士学位的目标上团结一致.

该项目为教师主导的研究提供资金,其中包括对学者的奖励. 除了, 麦克奈尔学院的学者可以通过访问他们感兴趣的研究生院而受益, 学术咨询, 课程辅导, 参加专业会议, 准备GRE考试, 并在研究生院选择和申请过程中获得建议和帮助.

麦克奈尔学者项目是由美国政府资助的.S. 教育部和St. 365比分网电竞.



